About Tasty Haystack

This web application is a web database tool for the Tasty Haystack project. It will help us to collect the literature and the categorisations. Each user has to be registered before adding information to the database.



  • Tasty haystack is now live for testing!!
  • Added mass paper import using ASFA exported files
  • Added definitions and hints in the categorization form
  • Added checkbox icon that indicates the categorization status (i.e. already done or not) in the paper list
  • Made the papers/view and papers/index more compact.
  • Added comment field and management/poilicies to the categorizations


  • Implemented popup dialog to add a new species
  • Small categorization form changes (eg bigger list boxes, not relevant moved to the top, typos were corrected)
  • Fixed problem with contact form
  • Fixed problem with bibtex support


  • Change the database to allow categorizations from different users
  • Dropped the authors table. Now the authors is only a coma seperated list
  • Each user is allowed to categorize each paper once
  • Each user is allowed to update/delete only his own categorization
  • Added bibtex support
  • Added 'not relevant' checkbox
  • The webapp is now online!


  • Added CRUD (create, read, update, delete) support for the database.
  • Populated the 'choose-at-least-one' categories
  • Made the create/update paper form prettier


The web application is running. Implemented the user creation and administration.

Todo list

  • Populate the regions - for some reason I am very bored to do that
  • Fix user depentend views (eg admin sees everything, users see create, list aso)
  • Add pdf file upload support
  • Add some papers
  • Add support for user categorizations
  • Add bibtex support
  • Style the website